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Is Easter Island livable?

Is Easter Island livable?

Despite being located at the eastern edge of the Polynesian Triangle and a whopping 3,526 km from the nearest continental mass (the coast of Chile)—making it one of the most isolated human settlements in the world—people do live on Easter Island these days.

Is it expensive to live on Easter Island?

The cost of housing in Easter Island is less expensive than Chile average and earns a score of 8 out of 10. A cost of housing score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest. The cost of health care in Easter Island is less expensive than Chile average and earns a score of 5 out of 10.

What is Easter Island like now?

Easter Island Today It has a subtropical climate (sunny and dry) and temperate weather. Easter Island boasts no natural harbor, but ships can anchor off Hanga Roa on the west coast; it is the island’s largest village, with a population of roughly 3,300. In 1995, UNESCO named Easter Island a World Heritage site.

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What is the problem with Easter Island?

Easter Island off the coast of Chile has a major trash problem. It’s near what’s known as a “trash vortex” in the middle of the South Pacific and floating waste is constantly washing ashore. Local officials estimate the growing population is producing more than 20 tons of trash per day.

Are there houses on Easter Island?

Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, as it’s called by the locals, is actually a territory of Chile, but many of the people who live there are of Polynesian descent. Because of the mild, semi-tropical climate on Rapa Nui, many of the homes are open to the outside and have decks or covered patios.

How does Easter Island get electricity?

Modern society at Easter Island. Rapa Nui locals today live in houses with windows and doors. The town of Hanga Roa has electricity generated by diesel engines, though it cuts around once a week for a couple of hours because of failure or maintenance.