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Is electric charge a vector or scalar?

Is electric charge a vector or scalar?

Electric charge is a scalar quantity. Apart from having a magnitude and direction, a quantity to be termed a vector should also obey the laws of vector addition, such as triangle law of vector addition and parallelogram law of vector addition; only then the quantity is said to be a vector quantity.

Is electric scalar quantity?

Electric current is a scalar quantity. Any physical quantity is defined as a vector quantity when the quantity has both magnitude and direction but there are some other factors which show that electric current is a scalar quantity . That’s why we can say that electric current is a scalar quantity.

Which quantity is electric charge?

The SI derived unit of quantity of electric charge is the coulomb (symbol: C). The coulomb is defined as the quantity of charge that passes through the cross section of an electrical conductor carrying one ampere for one second.

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Why is it a scalar quantity?

Scalar quantities have a size or magnitude only and need no other information to specify them. Thus, 10 cm, 50 sec, 7 litres and 3 kg are all examples of scalar quantities. Vector quantities have both a size or magnitude and a direction, called the line of action of the quantity.

Is electric charge a derived quantity?

There are seven base units from which all other units are derived. Electric charge is measured in Coulombs, or Amperes seconds. In SI, current is a fundamental unit (ampere) and charge is a derived unit (coulomb = ampere · second) for practical reasons.

What is electric charge is it scalar or vector quantity give its SI unit?

Electric charge is the basic property of elementary particles (such as electrons and protons). Due to these charges, various objects exert a strong attraction or repulsive force between each other. Electric charge is a scalar quantity. The SI unit is Coulomb \( (C)\).

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What is scalar and vector quantity?

A quantity that has magnitude but no particular direction is described as scalar. A quantity that has magnitude and acts in a particular direction is described as vector.

Why current is a scalar quantity not vector?

Current is a scalar quantity because it does not follow the law of vector addition.

What is electric charge is it scalar or vector quantity Name Its SI unit?

What is meant by vector quantity?

vector, in physics, a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. For example, displacement, velocity, and acceleration are vector quantities, while speed (the magnitude of velocity), time, and mass are scalars.

What is difference between scalar and vector quantity?

Why is charge not a fundamental quantity?

For a quantity to be fundamental ,we should be able to measure it directly. Electric charge cannot be measured directly . So it is not a fundamental quantity . Electric current, on the other hand , can be directly measured.

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