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Is fibromyalgia related to polio?

Is fibromyalgia related to polio?

Even if these criteria are met, your doctor must still make sure that your symptoms are not caused by other medical conditions. Fibromyalgia, a musculoskeletal disorder that can cause generalized pain and tenderness as well as fatigue, is frequently seen in polio survivors and may sometimes coexist with PPS.

Can post-polio cause pain?

Muscle and joint pain are also common in post-polio syndrome. Muscle pain is usually felt as a deep ache in the muscles or muscle cramps and spasms. The pain is often worse after you’ve used the affected muscles. It can be particularly troublesome during the evening after a day’s activities.

Can post-polio cause peripheral neuropathy?

EMG/NCS showed no evidence of superimposed peripheral neuropathy and confirmed denervation-reinnervation changes consistent with post-polio syndrome. The patient was evaluated by neurology who confirmed the diagnosis and initiated physical therapy (PT) and aquatic therapy.

What are the signs of post-polio syndrome?

Symptoms of post-polio syndrome persistent fatigue (extreme tiredness) muscle weakness. shrinking muscles. muscle and joint pain.

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Is post-polio syndrome a neuromuscular disease?

Neuromuscular Disorders Affecting the Thorax: Poliomyelitis and Post poliomyelitis syndrome.

What is PPS post-polio syndrome?

Postpoliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) is characterized by the delayed appearance of new neuromuscular symptoms in patients many years after their acute poliomyelitis paralysis. PPS affects polio survivors years after they recover from their initial polio attack.

Is polio an autoimmune disorder?

It is believed to be an autoimmune disease — one in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It occurs after a mild infection, surgery or, rarely, after an immunization.

What is the diagnostic criteria for post-polio syndrome?

There’s no diagnostic test for post-polio syndrome. Diagnosis is based on a medical history and physical exam, and exclusion of other conditions that could cause the signs and symptoms.

What does post-polio feel like?

Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a disorder of the nerves and muscles. It happens in some people many years after they have had polio. PPS may cause new muscle weakness that gets worse over time, pain in the muscles and joints, and tiredness. People with PPS often feel exhausted.