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Is Florida Worst?

Is Florida Worst?

Following Louisiana is Alabama, ranking 50th for Education, and Mississippi, ranking 50th for healthcare. According to U.S. News & World Report, the ten worst U.S. states are: Louisiana. Alabama….Worst States To Live in 2021.

State Florida
Total 13
Crime 31
Economy 9
Healthcare 29

What is Tampa’s reputation?

18 with an overall score of seven. The city ranked well in its desirability and quality of life scores. Tampa ranked as the 56th best place to live with an overall score of 6.6. The Big Guava scored well on its desirability, job market and quality of life.

Is Tampa FL bad?

Overall violent crime in Tampa is 7\% higher than the national average, with a rate of 407 per 100,000 people. The violent crime rate in Florida is 374 per 100,000 people, so Tampa is less safe than Florida’s average. Chances of being the victim of a violent crime in Tampa is 1 in 246.

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Why Florida is the weirdest state?

It’s the combination of warm weather, humidity, hurricanes, swamps, native fauna that includes alligators, snakes, panthers, bobcats, fire ants, armadillos, spiders, cockroaches so big they could double as commuter airplanes, and other things that are humdrum for Florida but considered pretty “out there” for the rest …

What parts of Tampa are bad?

Residences in East Tampa are statistically the worst in Tampa and the cops are very aggressive here for good reason. This includes East Ybor, Orient Park, College Hill, Northview Hills, Northeast Tampa, Highland Pines, Florence, Grant Park, Jackson Heights and East Seminole Heights to name a few.

Is Tampa a rude city?

TAMPA (WFLA) – The City of Tampa was ranked the twentieth rudest city in America, according to a new survey by Business Insider. American adults were asked to choose the five rudest cities from a list of America’s 50 largest metro areas. According to Business Insider, the rudest city in America is New York.