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Is gambling a side effect of restless leg syndrome?

Is gambling a side effect of restless leg syndrome?

Yes, gambling may be side effect of restless leg syndrome drug.

Is Restless Leg Syndrome a form of OCD?

RLS, as depressive and anxiety disorders being the most common. However, studies on obsessive–compulsive disorders (OCD) symptoms in RLS are limited. In this study, we aimed to evaluate OCD symptoms in patients with RLS and to determine the impact of pramipexole, a dopamine agonist, on symptoms of OCD.

Is Restless Leg Syndrome mental or physical?

Fast facts on restless legs syndrome: The condition is often caused by a combination of mental and physical factors. Women are more likely to be affected with RLS during pregnancy.

Does Requip cause gambling?

In the years since, hundreds of other patients that were put on Requip and other dopamine agonists (also prescribed for restless leg syndrome) have been observed to suddenly develop extreme gambling problems, drug addictions, sexual urges, and other habits classified as impulse control disorders.

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Can restless leg syndrome be psychosomatic?

Results: RLS patients were found to have pervasive comorbid psychosomatic symptoms. Somatization was found to be the most significant contributing factor (OR 1.145, 95 \% CI 1.061-1.234, p < 0.001) for psychosomatic comorbidity in RLS. Severe RLS patients were found to have poorer sleep quality than mild RLS patients.

Can ropinirole cause compulsive behavior?

Compulsive behavior warning: Ropinirole can cause intense urges to gamble, spend money, or binge-eat. It can also cause increased sexual urges or other intense urges. You may not be able to control these urges. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these urges.

What drugs are clinically known to increase compulsive gambling?

Drugs most commonly related to gambling disorder were pramipexole, listed as suspected drug in 56\% of all ICSRs, ropinirole in 15\% of all ICSRs, levodopa in association with benserazide/entacapone and carbidopa in 11\%, aripiprazole and rotigotine, each one in 5\%.