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Is gravity an atom?

Is gravity an atom?

Gravity affects atoms the same way it affects all other matter. Every atom creates its own gravitational field which attracts all other matter in the universe. If you put a lot of atoms together, like in a planet or a star, all of the little gravitational fields add together, creating a much stronger pull.

Do gravitons exist?

Many physicists assume that gravitons exist, but few think that we will ever see them. These hypothetical elementary particles are a cornerstone of theories of quantum gravity, which seek to unify Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity with quantum mechanics.

Where gravity does not exist?

GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST…. gravity is an illusion and does not exist in the Universe on a galactic scale. Gravity is an internal force, it is in the atom and molecule only and there is no external gravity force as we have been taught to believe. We can say that… “Gravity exists on the Quantum Mechanics level only”.

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What is the particle for gravity?


Composition Elementary particle
Interactions Gravitation
Status Hypothetical
Symbol G
Antiparticle Self

Does gravity have a particle?

Gravity is suspected to have a particle called the graviton that mediates the gravitational force. Physicists believe this because they think that all forces should have the same mechanism of action. However Gordon’s Theory of Everything reveals why the graviton does not exist.

Is gravity a wave or a particle?

Gravity is a force. For all other forces that we are aware of (electromagnetic force, weak decay force, strong nuclear force) we have identified particles that transmit the forces at a quantum level. In quantum theory, eachparticle acts both as a particleAND a wave.

What is of particles does gravity affect?

The weakest, and yet the most pervasive, of the four basic forces is gravity. It acts on all forms of mass and energy and thus acts on all subatomic particles, including the gauge bosons that carry the forces. The 17th-century English scientist Isaac Newton was the first to develop a quantitative description of the force of gravity.

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Is gravity made of particles or waves?

They proposed that gravity is actually made of quantum particles, which they called “gravitons.” Anywhere there is gravity, there would be gravitons: on earth, in solar systems, and most importantly in the miniscule infant universe where quantum fluctuations of gravitons sprung up, bending pockets of this tiny space-time.