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Is Gynaecology under medicine and surgery?

Is Gynaecology under medicine and surgery?

Before you study Gynaecology in Nigeria, you must first study Medicine and Surgery as a single course in the university or any approved Medical college. Gynecology is the study of diseases relating to only women whereas Obstetrics is the study of diseases and care of pregnant women.

Can a surgeon make a diagnosis?

A surgeon is a doctor who specializes in evaluating and treating conditions that may require surgery, or physically changing the human body. Surgeries can be done to diagnose or treat disease or injury. In the operating room, surgeons lead a team of other doctors and nurses to make sure that a procedure goes smoothly.

Are ob GYNs considered surgeons?

OB-GYNs are trained surgeons who can perform a wide range of procedures, including: cesarean sections. instrumental deliveries during childbirth. a hysterectomy.

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Does Delsu offer gynecology?

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department is the centre for female health. Illnesses dealing with the female reproductive system and also the management and care of Pregnant women are handled in this Department.

Is a doctor different from a surgeon?

All doctors practicing in the United States receive a similar education, whether they attend medical college and become an M.D., or an osteopathic college and become a D.O. Those who perform little or no surgery are simply referred to as physicians. All surgeons are physicians, but not all physicians are surgeons.

Do all OBS do surgery?

Most OB/GYNs are generalists and see a variety of medical conditions in the office, perform surgery, and manage labor and delivery. Office practice consists of providing women with preventive examinations and other primary care and identifying gynecologic problems.

What surgeries do ob-GYNs perform?

What procedures do OB-GYNs perform?

  • dilation and curettage.
  • biopsy.
  • tubal ligation for female sterilization.
  • laser surgery.
  • hysterectomy, or the removal of the uterus.
  • myomectomy, or the removal of fibroids.