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Is ideal gas a reversible process?

Is ideal gas a reversible process?

In an ideal thermodynamically reversible process, the energy from work performed by or on the system would be maximized, and that from heat would be zero. In case of an ideal process, heat can be completely converted into work, e.g., isothermal expansion of an ideal gas in a piston–cylinder arrangement.)

What are the conditions required for the reversible and irreversible process?

A reversible process is one in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly the states they were in by following the reverse path. An irreversible process is one in which the system and its environment cannot return together to exactly the states that they were in.

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What is the work done during expansion of an ideal gas both in reversible and irreversible process?

What is the work done in the free expansion of an ideal gas in reversible and irreversible processes? In both cases work done is zero because during free expansion of an ideal gas external pressure becomes zero.

What conditions are required for a reversible process?

Reversible processes require the absence of friction or other hysteresis effects. They must also be carried out infinitesimally slowly. Otherwise pressure waves and finite temperature gradients will be set up in the system, and irreversible dissipation and heat flow will occur.

When work is done during free expansion of an ideal gas whether the process is reversible or irreversible is?

The work done by a gas during free expansion is equal to zero.

What is reversible and irreversible change with example?

The freezing of ice and the melting of wax are examples of reversible change. Irreversible Change–A change that cannot be reversed is called an irreversible change. The burning of wood and rusting of iron are examples of irreversible change.

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Which of the following Cannot discriminate between reversible and irreversible?

Explain. ΔU does not discriminate between irreversible and reversible process. Hence ΔU=0 for both reversible and irreversible process.