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Is it a good time to move to Canada 2021?

Is it a good time to move to Canada 2021?

If you are planning to migrate to Canada in 2021, you stand a good chance because the immigration policies aim at bringing in more immigrants to the country. Canada wants migrants with skills and experience to close the skills shortage in its industries.

What is the best time to immigrate to Canada?

Applying via the Express Entry system will save you time as the processing times are as short as six months. The PNP is expected to result in over 80,000 immigrants per year becoming permanent residents between now and 2023, which is why now is the right time to immigrate to Canada or at least to get started.

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Is Canada looking for immigrants?

To make up the shortfall in 2020, the Canadian government in October announced even loftier immigration targets. It hopes to welcome 401,000 permanent residents in 2021, up from a previous goal of 351,000. That target would increase by 10,000 in 2022 and again in 2023.

What are the three cities in which most immigrants to Canada choose to live?


  • 1 – TORONTO. Toronto, the provincial capital of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada with a population just short of 3 million people.
  • 2 – VANCOUVER.
  • 3 – CALGARY.
  • 4 – HALIFAX.
  • 5 – OTTAWA.

Is moving to Canada easy now?

Immigration to Canada is not easy. There are many steps one has to take in order to successfully apply and get approved for Canadian immigration. Also, the process can take a number of months and in some cases a few years.

Is it advisable to settle in Canada?

Canada has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the friendliest places on earth. Not only that but it’s also considered to be one of the safest places to live. If you’re looking for the benefits of moving or immigrating to Canada, you won’t have to look very far.