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Is it a reference or referee?

Is it a reference or referee?

What are references in a CV? Your references are people, called referees, who can testify about your character, skills and abilities to prospective employers. You could consider your referees as your personal advocates or ambassadors. The employer might call them or request in writing some information about you.

Who is the referee when referring to references?

Referee. A referee is a person who may well give a reference. As with a reference, the referee should be credible themselves, for example being in a senior position where they can pass judgement on how well you performed in a previous job.

What do you say when calling for a reference?

What can you ask during a reference check?

  • “How did this person manage a team?”
  • “What are some examples of this individual acting as a team player?”
  • “What was it like to supervise this former employee?”
  • “How effective was this person with completing the work given to them?”
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What do you call your references?

Here are five people you can include on your list of professional references if you want to land the job:

  • Former Employer as a professional reference. A previous employer can provide the best insight into your work ethic.
  • Colleague.
  • Teacher.
  • Advisor.
  • Supervisor.

Who can be a professional reference?

A professional reference is someone who has worked closely with you for at least six months within the past seven years. They are usually a coworker or immediate supervisor, but can also be a department head, higher-level manager or client if they interacted with you regularly.

Can you call references without permission?

Don’t conduct a reference check without consent Before you begin calling past or present employers, you need to get the consent of your candidate. You may have done this during the interview process, but if not, take this extra precaution to ensure you have their consent.

How do you call someone as a reference?


  1. Identify yourself, your title, organization name and tell them you are calling about a reference for a candidate you are considering.
  2. Ask if now is a good time to talk or whether they would rather schedule a call at a later time.
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