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Is it a sin to play GTA?

Is it a sin to play GTA?

It’s not a sin unless it encourages and influences you to commit those sins in the game in real life, or affect your relationship with God negatively, in my opinion.

Is playing a video game a sin?

Are Video Games Sinful? Video game use (“gaming”) has become extremely popular in recent decades. Let’s see what the Bible says about being a “gamer.” What the Bible Says About Playing Video Games The Short Answer: There is nothing wrong with playing appropriately rated/themed video games on occasion.

How many things are wrong with GTA 5?

With 15 things wrong with GTA V we all choose to ignore, that’s how. So, let us explore some of the tiny mistakes and glaring omissions in one of the best open-world games in recent history. Be warned, though, as you may never see Grand Theft Auto V the same way once you are done reading this.

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Should you let your child play GTA V?

Perhaps you’ll change your mind about whether your child is old enough or if anyone at all should ever be playing this game. Bottom line: They shouldn’t. Not only does it glorify crime and violence, but now it lets you or your child watch as a prostitute performs sex acts on you, moaning all the way.

Should we stop playing Grand Theft Auto games?

Mary Poust discusses the video game, Grand Theft Auto, whose latest ‘upgrade’ allows kids to have sex with and kill prostitutes, and concludes that we should not be playing or supporting these games.

Is GTA 5’s police AI too realistic?

Sure, GTA is not a completely realistic game, but this is going a little too far. Police are a big part of the gameplay in a Grand Theft Auto game. With every title, officers become faster, smarter, and worse at aiming properly. However, no matter how many AI changes are introduced to the game, there is one constant – traffic police don’t exist.