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Is it better to work smart or work hard?

Is it better to work smart or work hard?

As discussed, hard work is the key to success only if done smartly. However, to bring more clarity, let us understand hard work vs smart work through some examples….Hard Work vs Smart Work Examples.

Working Hard Working Smartly
Start with the task before planning You first evaluate, plan, and then work

Does working hard make you smart?

Before they went to Harvard, they probably worked really hard at being intelligent. They worked on their skills. And stopped working hard to gain in their intellect. So if you work hard, you can grow 10\% year-over-year.

Why you should work smarter and not harder?

Working smarter, not harder reduces stress and overwhelm and saves time and energy. Learning to work smarter, not harder can make you more effective and productive. Working smarter also leads to increased focus and performance.

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Is hard work necessary for success?

Hard work is the only key to achieving it; it teaches us discipline, dedication and determination. Hard work is definitely more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Smart work, on the other hand, often leads to shortcuts and procrastination.

Why working smart is important?

Saves a lot of time: Being a smart worker saves a lot of time as you can find ways and means to reduce your work by using logical and innovative ways to achieve your goals. It provides an easier way to do a certain task and provides similar results in a lesser time frame.

Is smart work necessary for success?

Hard work is definitely more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Smart work, on the other hand, often leads to shortcuts and procrastination. To achieve anything in life, one has to commit to continuous hard work, which will lead one to the summit of achievement.

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Do you need to work smarter but not harder?

Here are 8 reasons you need to work smarter but not harder. 1) Hard work is draining. Hard work is mentally and physically exhausting. It draws off energy that you need to maintain things that really matter in your life, like your family relations and friendship.

How to make smart choices when working hard?

Even when working hard you have to make smart choices. You cannot just wake up one day and say to yourself, “Today I will make smart choices”. No, you should be saying that to yourself every day and work “hard” on it. Give anything your best shot and work towards your goals like there is no tomorrow.

What is the difference between hard work vs smart work?

Check out the most important differences between hard work vs smart work: Hard work can be simply defined as putting in strenuous hours for doing a certain task or tasks. Smart work refers to find effective and efficient ways to complete one or multiple tasks while also managing time and quality both.

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What does it take to be a hard worker?

A hard worker needs to consistently work towards what he perceives to be worth it, no matter how challenging the situation is. Success for the Hard Worker comes after putting in long hours at work which deprives him/her comforts of life.