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Is it hard to become an ultrasound tech?

Is it hard to become an ultrasound tech?

Being an ultrasound technician may seem like a daunting job, but it only takes a minimum of two years to complete the schooling necessary. Compared to other medical fields, the journey to becoming a sonographer is not a long one at all.

What education does a sonographer need?

Many education paths are available for prospective sonographers, but the most common is a 2-year degree through an accredited sonography training program. Bachelor’s degrees are also available, as are 1-year certificate programs in sonography for persons already trained in another healthcare field.

How do you become a neuro sonographer?

Tip. Depending on your professional background, you can either complete a one-year certificate program or an undergraduate program followed by an examination to become a certified sonographer. Once these steps are completed, you may take another exam to get certified in neurosonography.

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Who makes more RN or ultrasound tech?

The wages of both professions are very close by this measure, but ultrasound techs have a higher median income. The median salary of registered nurses in 2012 was $65,470 annually, according to the BLS, while that of ultrasound techs was $65,860.

Can sonographers make six figures?

Salaries are very decent in this profession, though they can vary considerably, depending on which specialty you choose. Nationally, the typical wage is approximately $70,000. An experienced sonographer who has a neurological specialty can easily make six figures a year.

Is sonography school harder than nursing school?

To become a sonographer, you’ll need to obtain an Associate degree, which includes two years of study. Yet, to become a Registered Nurse, you’ll need to attend a two-year Associate program. Due to these requirements, a sonography program might be a bit more challenging than a CNA program.