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Is it illegal to put a fake return address on mail?

Is it illegal to put a fake return address on mail?

No. It can be considered a deceptive practice if the intent is to deceive someone however. The main purpose behind the return address, is just that, an address the postal service can return something in the event it cannot be delivered…

Is name required on return address?

The return address need not include a sender’s name, but should include address or P.O. box details in the same way as the delivery address should. In some countries, the return address is conventionally located in the upper left hand corner of the envelope, card, or label.

Can you put the wrong name on a package?

A name mismatch doesn’t matter much with a domestic package. USPS does not keep records of names and addresses. However, if this is an international package the names and addresses must all match up on both the shipping label and customs form.

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What happens if you put the wrong return address?

If the address is good, they will make delivery of it. If you’ve written it wrong, they will try to deliver it to the return address, which is the same place, so if it’s wrong, it won’t get delivered there either.

Can you put a fake name on mail?

Can I put a fake name for shipping or receiving mail and parcels? In general, you can use a fake name or a pseudonym on the shipping address if the intent is not fraudulent. Courier companies and postal services usually require a valid address for a successful delivery.

How do I return mail to the wrong name?

Returning wrong address mail legally is as simple as writing “RETURN TO SENDER” on the envelope and sticking it back in your mailbox. Just make sure to pay it forward by filing a change-of-address form when you move so that your mail doesn’t become someone else’s problem.

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How do you send something to someone without knowing their address?

Not knowing the address is not a problem nowadays. Many gift delivery companies offer special service for that. You provide email address or phone nuber of the recipient and cutomer service representative will contact your recipient to check on the address before sending the gift.