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Is it illegal to skateboard on the road in California?

Is it illegal to skateboard on the road in California?

It is unlawful for any person to ride in or on a skateboard, roller skates, roller blades, coaster or similar device, on or across any road, street or highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of vehicles thereon, or in such a way as to create an unreasonable risk or harm to vehicular or pedestrian …

Is it illegal to skateboard anywhere?

Skateboarding is not a crime. You are free to buy, own, share and ride a skateboard. There are places that you are permitted to skate, and places that you aren’t. To avoid getting in trouble with law enforcement, security and property owners, it is important to not skate where forbidden.

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Where can I ride my skateboard?

General Places To Skateboard

  • A skatepark. Let’s just get the most obvious one out of the way.
  • An actual park. Paved bike paths (particularly if they’re not crowded) are your friend.
  • An empty parking lot.
  • An indoor skatepark.
  • Your garage.
  • Carpet or grass.
  • Join a skate group.
  • Use skateboard spot apps.

Why is skateboarding not allowed in some places?

Some people say the restrictions are justified because skateboarders cause traffic hazards and endanger pedestrians. In addition, some skateboarders have caused property damage while doing stunts. They claim that skateboarding is good clean fun and that it’s unfair to penalize all skaters for problems caused by a few.

Can you ride a skateboard to school?

This is California State Law. Bicycles/scooters must be walked on sidewalks around the school and inside the school grounds. We have a NO WHEELS rule inside the school grounds, meaning NO bikes, skateboards, or other wheels may be ridden on campus grounds during school hours.

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Can you skateboard on the sidewalk in California?

12.California: Prohibits motorized skateboards on streets, sidewalks, “or any other part of a highway or on any bikeway, bicycle path.