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Is it important to talk to everyone?

Is it important to talk to everyone?

Talking to someone is as important as keeping a good hygiene, if not more. Talking is important for each and every one of us. It helps you stay healthy and brings a stop to your problems to a certain level from getting on top of you. Some people don’t like to talk too much but it can still be helpful for everyone.

Why is talking with people important?

It improves your bond with them, and encourages them to listen to you. It helps them to form relationships and to build self-esteem. And if you talk and listen to your children from a very young age, you’ll get yourself and them into habits that become very useful once they’re teenagers.

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How do you talk only when necessary?

Express yourself when necessary. Do not take speaking less to mean not asserting and expressing yourself. If you have a serious concern, or an opinion you feel is important, do not hesitate to speak up. Part of speaking less is knowing when it is valuable to share.

What is the benefit of talking to strangers?

The results of that research have been striking. Again and again, studies have shown that talking with strangers can make us happier, more connected to our communities, mentally sharper, healthier, less lonely, and more trustful and optimistic.

Why do I feel better after talking to someone?

There is a word that captures how talking helps—catharsis. Talking leads to a catharsis, which means a feeling of relief. The charged feelings within us become less charged. Nothing has changed that caused the suffering in our lives, but talking has drained off some of the pain and this brings relief.

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Why should not talk to strangers?

Our Stress Levels Rise Around Strangers, Which Makes Us Less Feel Empathetic. A 2015 study found that being around strangers actually raises our levels of cortisol, a hormone that produces stress responses, which had an unusual consequence: it makes us less empathetic.