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Is it OK to be lonely at university?

Is it OK to be lonely at university?

Feelings of loneliness at university are completely normal and there are many others who feel the same as you. If you find that your loneliness is persisting and getting you down, try reaching out to a close friend or family member to talk to. You can also always visit the campus support centre as well.

How do you deal with loneliness at university?

A great way to deal with loneliness at university is to join a group or club. Universities have groups for even the most diverse of interests. Find something that you have a passion for or an interest in starting and sign up. The key is to try and be as proactive as possible once you are there.

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Do college students feel lonely?

In a 2017 survey of nearly 48,000 college students, 64\% said they had felt “very lonely” in the previous 12 months, while only 19\% reported they never felt lonely, according to the American College Health Association. Nearly 35\% of students frequently felt anxious.

What do you do if you are not happy at university?

What to Do If You’re Not Enjoying University

  1. Step 1: Figure out what’s making you unhappy.
  2. Step 2: Talk to people.
  3. Step 3: Give it time.
  4. Step 4: Decide whether university is right for you, or if you want to change courses.
  5. Step 5: Changing courses or universities.

Can I survive college without friends?

You can survive without friends provided you should be able to face everything alone. In fact it will be a different experience you can find out your own path instead of walking in a preplanned path. You will get a good experience and you will be able handle everything alone.

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What should I do if I feel lonely at University?

However, if the sense of loneliness overwhelms you and you start to feel too anxious to do anything, talk to someone. Get in touch with the student services at your university if you feel that you are suffering from poor mental health or if your loneliness is feeling unbearable.

How common is loneliness among UK university students?

In reality, I was one of many: almost half of UK students (46 per cent) admit to having feelings of loneliness during their time at university, and 37 per cent consider dropping out . Being aware of this statistic would have given me great comfort at the time, simply because I would have known that there were others who felt the same way.

How do you know if You’re Lonely?

There are also physical and behavioural cues to watch out for, like feeling more stressed than usual. You may notice changes in how much you eat, sleep, and exercise to cope with feelings. Loneliness isn’t something you can just switch off, but there are ways to handle the emotions.

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How can I Stop Feeling lonely when I’m Alone at home?

Sitting in your room alone is likely to make you feel lonelier than you are. Try going to the library or to a cafe to work – anywhere where conversation is taking place and you’re not deafened by silence.