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Is it okay to eat watery yogurt?

Is it okay to eat watery yogurt?

Yes, watery yogurt is safe to eat. That substance you see on top of yogurt when you sometimes open a container is whey, a natural protein found in milk. Over time, whey will separate from the yogurt curds and form a runny and cloudy substance in the container.

Why is my yogurt liquidy?

The longer the yogurt sits in the fridge, the more watery substance forms on top of the yogurt. But never fear — that substance is just whey, a natural protein found in dairy products that contains protein and is safe to eat.

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How do you know if yogurt went bad?

Look for a larger-than-normal amount of liquid on the surface (don’t worry, Greek yogurt is especially prone to some, but if there’s more than usual that’s a warning sign), a curdling texture near the bottom, and any sign of mold. These indicate the entire product has probably gone bad, say the folks at StillTasty.

Is separated yogurt safe to eat?

Is It Safe to Eat Separated Yogurt? Yes. It is safe to eat separated yogurt, as long as there is nothing else that makes you think the yogurt might be going bad. If it smells and looks normal, is within the expiration date stamped on the package, and has been stored properly (refrigerated) it should be safe to eat.

Does yogurt thicken in the fridge?

Yogurt usually will not thicken until cooled, especially non-dairy yogurt. In some cases, thickening can take up to 24 hours. Even if the yogurt is thin, it is still a cultured food and may be consumed (it’s great for whipping up smoothies!)

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What does bad yogurt taste like?

2. Yogurt smells ‘funny’: Yogurt (plain, unsweetened yogurt) generally has a sour taste. If it smells bad, or just different, it is an indication that something is wrong. And if it smells like ‘yeast’, it means that bacteria are already ‘invading’ the yogurt.

Can you get sick from bad yogurt?

If you eat spoiled yogurt from an opened container, then you may have some painful stomach cramps and diarrhea (possibly nausea) shortly after ingestion. But in both of these instances, the yogurt will taste bad—meaning, you likely won’t even want to eat it in the first place.

What does bad yogurt look like?

Mold: This one is a no-brainer, but if you see any evidence of mold—white, green or any color of growth—on your yogurt, (don’t) kiss it goodbye. Because of its water content, yogurt that has been sitting around too long in the fridge is prone to mold…and it will make you sick.

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What does spoiled yogurt taste like?

What happens if you eat bad yogurt?

What can I do with runny yogurt?


  1. HEAT THE MILK LONGER. Heating denatures the proteins in milk and encourages the proteins to coagulate and thicken.

Does yogurt go bad in the fridge?

Yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator below 40 degrees F. When stored properly, the shelf-life of yogurt is seven to 14 days. Storing longer than that allows molds, yeast and slow-growing bacteria to grow and spoil your yogurt.