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Is it possible to live without desire?

Is it possible to live without desire?

It is a feeling in which you have an urge to do something or to obtain something. It is impossible to live as a human being without them. Having desires is a necessary part of what it means to be a human being. There is not a possible world in which humans exist whilst simultaneously not having desires.

How can I desire my life?

How to Increase your Desire and Hunger for Life

  1. Find meaning in life. Give your life meaning.
  2. Be specific on what you want (but allow for flexibility)
  3. Determine the price you are willing to pay.
  4. Develop an independent and authentic self.
  5. Reparent yourself.
  6. Change your mindset.
  7. Loving others.
  8. Stop trying to please others.

Is it bad to have desires?

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Contrary to what some people think, desire can actually be quite a good and necessary part of being human. Desire is not the enemy to a happy and balanced life. It is not a roadblock to experiencing a higher self. In fact, desire can often be the driver for all that greater awareness and consciousness we so often seek.

How do you end your desire?

Here are all the different ways you can use to control your desires:

  1. Change your environment to prevent relapse.
  2. Accept the temptations, don’t resist them, for they’d only rebound to come back stronger.
  3. Consciously redirect your attention to something else.
  4. Strip the desire off of its attraction by cognitive reframing.

Why is desire necessary?

In the invention industry, desire is what sparks the fire; it’s what helps a person persevere despite the ups and the downs of the process. Desire keeps an idea person excited and willing to proceed with their dream, urging them to do what it takes to make it a reality. Desire is fueled by your why.

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How do you deal with unfulfilled desires?

“Dealing with unfulfilled desires would involve recognising the reasons why our needs have remained unfulfilled and finding ways to state and express what we want, if we haven’t been doing so.

What is the source of all desires?

The hedonistic theory of John Stuart Mill states that pleasure is the sole object of all desire. Mill suggests that a desire for an object is caused by an idea of the possible pleasure that would result from the attainment of the object. The desire is fulfilled when this pleasure is achieved.