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Is it rude to say pick your brain?

Is it rude to say pick your brain?

Accomplished people in business tend to dislike the use of the phrase ‘can I pick your brain. ‘ The phrase can be too vague, and indicates that the person asking the question will be taking, rather than giving, in the exchange. Instead, try to ask a more specific question and mention what you can offer in return.

What do you do when someone wants to pick your brain?

The next time someone asks to “pick your brain”, try these techniques:

  1. Redirect them to another resource. When someone reaches out, ask questions first to get a sense of what they’re looking for and whether a meeting is even necessary.
  2. Offer an alternative.
  3. Index your advice.
  4. Invite them to hire you.

Can I just pick your brain?

to ask someone’s advice about a subject the person knows a lot about: Can I pick your brain about how you got rid of those weeds?

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Where did pick your brain come from?

Early on it was used when the fingernails or fingers were used to “pick at” imperfections in the skin, or on other surfaces, or when the extended fingers were used to steal.

What is another phrase for pick your brain?

What is another word for pick one’s brain?

confer consult
negotiate advise
communicate confab
counsel discuss
jaw palaver

Why do people want to pick your brain?

What Does “Pick Your Brain” Mean? When you ask someone if you can pick their brain, you’re essentially asking them if you can sit down with them some time to ask them a bunch of questions about a certain topic. This is because they’re better informed about the subject than you.

What’s another phrase for pick your brain?

How do you use brain pick in a sentence?

pick (one’s) brain(s) To ask one questions in order to obtain detailed information or advice. You should pick John’s brain sometime. He knows all about car engines. I’ve just started playing professionally, and I’d love to pick your brains for any tips you might have.