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Is it rude to say sit down?

Is it rude to say sit down?

To be completely polite, you would say “Please sit down”. “Take a seat” is friendly and informal. An even more casual phrase sometimes used among friends is “Take a pew”, a pew being a wooden bench found in churches.

What kind of sentence is sit down?

An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a period but can, under certain circumstances, end with an exclamation point. Examples of this sentence type: “Please sit down.

What do you use with sit?

Sit is usually used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where or how somebody sits, but sometimes another phrase or clause is used to show what somebody does while they are sitting: We sat talking for hours. sit down/​sit yourself down to move from a standing position to a sitting position: Please sit down.

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What is the difference between sit down and sit up?

No major difference, except for when you can use it. If you are talking to a child lying in a bed, for example, you can tell/ask it to sit or sit up, but you can never say sit down. If the person is standing, however, they do mean the same, except that sit down is more direct.

What is the difference between ‘set’ and ‘sit’?

The verbs sit and set are commonly confused and misused, but the difference between them is similar to the difference between lay and lie – and maybe even easier to understand. The similarity between each set of words lies in the fact that one verb is transitive and needs a direct object, while the other verb is intransitive and can stand alone.

What is the difference between sit and lie?

Sit, like lie, is intransitive and can never take an object. His hindquarters, though a part of himself, are an object and can be set anywhere they are comfortable, within reason. You can set a thing anywhere you like, but you can only sit comfortably in a limited number of places.

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What is the correct way to say please sit down?

All of the following sentences (for me) are correct: “please sit”/”please sit down”; “why are you sitting?”/”why are you sitting down?”; “I can’t reach this sitting”/”I can’t reach this sitting down”… That last one could sound a little off just because it sounds like you are trying to reach a sitting of food or something,…