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Is it weird to eat raw bacon?

Is it weird to eat raw bacon?

Bacon is salt-cured meat cut from pig belly. It’s unsafe to eat this popular breakfast item raw due to an increased risk of food poisoning. Instead, you should cook bacon thoroughly — but be careful not to overcook it, as doing so can increase the formation of carcinogens.

Can you eat raw bacon from the store?

Don’t eat raw bacon. Even if it’s cured, bacon can still go bad if it’s not handled correctly, and you can’t guarantee that your smoke-flavored bacon has been actually smoked to a safe internal temperature.

What does raw bacon taste like?

Raw, green bacon — cured, but not smoked — tastes like dense pork. There’s no getting away from the “porkiness,” but other than that, it doesn’t have much in the way of other flavors. In texture, it’s much like prosciutto, but fattier. The less dried the bacon, the less dense the texture.

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Is uncured bacon safe to eat?

Uncured bacon is a misnomer. It’s still cured (or preserved) using natural nitrates found in celery instead of artificial nitrates, but that doesn’t mean you should fry up a sizzling stack. Evidence is still conflicting whether plant-based nitrates are less harmful than synthetic sodium nitrite.

Is uncured bacon raw?

Bacon curing process often involves smoking, spicing, cooking, or the addition of combinations of sugar and nitrite (found in Cure #1). However, labeling bacon cured without nitrite as ‘uncured bacon’ serves as a warning for consumers to treat it as raw meat that needs to be cooked and prevent them from getting sick.

What is the white stuff that comes out of bacon when you cook it?

Sometimes when you cook Bacon, some white gloop oozes from it. This is salt and water; it comes out of Bacon that has been cured with brine (“wet-cured”), either by injecting the brine into the Bacon, or soaking the Bacon in brine.

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Does bacon have to be cured?

The truth is, all bacon must be cured before consumption. While uncured bacon is still cured bacon, it undergoes a much different process. A process that is better for you and much more flavorful! Simply put, uncured bacon is bacon that has not been cured with synthetically-sourced nitrates and nitrites.

Is pink bacon safe to eat?

Your bacon is still safe if it still has it’s natural pink color with the fat being white or yellow. If your bacon has turned brown or gray with a tinge of green or blue, that one has spoiled already. Too much exposure to air causes a chemical reaction on the meat that leads to the change in color.