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Is it worth it to get the Ryzen 7 3800X?

Is it worth it to get the Ryzen 7 3800X?

So yes, the Ryzen 7 3800X is an excellent buy, but only because the Ryzen 7 3700X already is, and because of that we can’t recommend it to anyone who was looking to invest in an eight core 3rd Gen Ryzen CPU. Get the 3700X and put the savings towards some faster memory or something.

Should I upgrade from 3700X?

All in all, in a typical gaming scenario, you won’t see any benefits by upgrading your 3700x to Zen 3. Keep it. If in the future, you would like more cores, you can safely upgrade to a 5900x and keep your platform. For now, not worth it* (unless you play 1080p / low settings for MAX fps).

Whats the difference between Ryzen 7 3700X and 3800X?

The main differences between the 3800X and 3700X being an extra 100 MHz of boost clock frequency on the 3800X and extra TDP headroom (105W for the 3800X versus 65W for the 3700X) for a $70 USD premium. The 21\% higher release price translates to just a 2\% higher effective speed over the 3700X.

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Is it worth upgrading 3700X to 5900X?

the 5900x will absolutely give you better fps in almost every game that relies on cpu. but the difference wont be too much, especially if youre in 1440p. the question is, is it worth spending three times the ammount on a cpu to get 15 more fps if youre lucky.

Is the Ryzen 7 3700X Overclockable?

The AMD Ryzen 7 3700X was originally touted by the red team as the most prolific overclocker of the Ryzen 3000 lot. With eight cores and a commanding TDP of 65 watts courtesy of the 7nm process node, it offers by far the most lenient headroom for the avid overclocker – even by AMD’s own account.

Why is 3800X cheaper than 3700X?

Is the 3800X good for gaming?

As it stands, the Ryzen 7 3800X is a better CPU today than it was at launch. It is this balance of being more than fast enough for gaming, and being the outright fastest for everything else which makes the Ryzen 7 3800X so compelling. Without too much hullabaloo, let’s get to it.

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How long will AMD Ryzen 7 3800X last?

Intel states their processors could in theory work 24/7 for 15 years if all conditions are good.