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Is Italy friendly to foreigners?

Is Italy friendly to foreigners?

Sometime Italians are friendly with tourists because they see in them an opportunity to make money, to earn something. In fact, between strangers, Italians are not friendly to each other: they often ignore each other and in the work place they bully the newest people because they don’t know them.

What do Italians find weird about Americans?

10 Things Italians Find Unusual in the United States

  • CARS ARE LARGER AND AUTOMATIC. Cars are larger in the United States, and most are operated by automatic transmission.
  • FOOD.

Why do Italians not like wet hair?

Italians wear a lot more clothing (even year round) to protect themselves from “bad air.” Italians believe that sudden fluctuations in temperature will make them sick (this is why they eschew air conditioning and leaving the house with wet hair).

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Can I wear shorts in Italy?

Don’t Wear Shorts. Although summer in Italy can be rather hot, you’ll rarely see Italian women wearing shorts. The best way to fit in would be to stay away from revealing too much skin, but still look stylish at the same time- try a flowy skirt instead.

How can you tell an American from Italy?

You can tell an American 100 feet away just by the way they are dressed, and American students tend to be even more noticeable. Americans usually dress everything down, OR they try too hard. In Italy, both the men and the women look nice and fashionable, but in a relaxed and “I did this in 5 minutes” kind of way.

Can you go out with wet hair in Italy?

In Italy, everyone knows that it’s very bad for your hair to wash it every day.

Is Italy friendly?

In fact, we find the Italians to be quite friendly and welcoming. Sometimes when it’s one’s first time to visit a destination and happens to encounter rude locals unfortunately it gives a bad impression in general.

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Can I wear leggings in Italy?

Are leggings okay to wear in Italy? Some travelers love wearing leggings for comfort, but they’re often too casual looking as pants for Italy. If you’re a big fan of leggings, consider pairing a black pair with long tunics during the spring, or wearing them under dresses and skirts in fall and winter.