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Is magnetic force always perpendicular to magnetic field?

Is magnetic force always perpendicular to magnetic field?

Magnetic force is always perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Does magnetic field have to be perpendicular to current?

Since compasses work by pointing along magnetic field lines, this means that there must be a magnetic field near the wire through which the current is flowing. The magnetic field produced by an electric current is always oriented perpendicular to the direction of the current flow.

Are magnetic fields always perpendicular to electric fields?

The electric field is always perpendicular to the magnetic field, and both fields are directed at right-angles to the direction of propagation of the wave.

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Is force perpendicular to velocity?

The direction of the force is given by the right-hand rule. The force exerted on a charge moving in a magnetic field is always perpendicular to both the velocity and the field. Any force perpendicular to the velocity can not change the speed (or the kinetic energy).

What happens when velocity and force are perpendicular?

When a force is applied to a moving object, there is no deacceleration therefore, the linear speed remains constant. But, the velocity vector changes direction and will be pulled towards the direction of the force.

What if the velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field?

If the velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field, then v is the component of the velocity perpendicular to the field. The component of the velocity parallel to the field is unaffected, since the magnetic force is zero for motion parallel to the field.

How is force perpendicular to velocity?

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When a wire is moving perpendicular to a magnetic field?

If a straight conducting wire is placed in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, and is moving in a direction perpendicular to the field, then each charge q in the wire experiences a magnetic force of magnitude F = qvB. The negatively charged electrons will accelerate in response to this force.

Why is magnetic field perpendicular to velocity?

The superficial answer is simply that the Lorentz (magnetic) force is proportional to v×B, where v is the particle velocity and B is the magnetic field. Since the vector cross product is always at right angles to each of the vector factors, the force is perpendicular to v.

When electric and magnetic field are perpendicular?

For the scalar product between two vectors to be zero either one of them is the zero vector or they are perpendicular to each other. Therefore, the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular.