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Is Obi-Wan a good person?

Is Obi-Wan a good person?

If you really think about it, instead of being the heroic father figure everyone makes him out to be, Obi-Wan was actually the most blatantly manipulative character in the entire Star Wars saga. In fact, his downright sociopathic behavior basically made him the real villain of the entire thing.

Why Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best character?

In fact, Obi-Wan is one of the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived. He is the best defensive duelist in galactic history according to Mace Windu and numerous factbooks. He had a low sensitivity to the force but mastered it to his fullest potential worshiping the force as opposed to bending it to his will.

Why is Obi-Wan Kenobi so liked?

Obi-wan does that. He works hard to improve his skills and he is respected in his order for that. That makes him, the hero of all those untalented people who do nothing to change their lives or someone who the hard working untalented people can relate to.

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Why does Obi-Wan sacrifice himself?

Originally Answered: Why did Obi Wan Kenobi sacrifice himself? He didn’t, technically. He had been on Tatooine for 20 years to ensure that Luke would become the future of the Jedi, but Owen resisted him to protect Obi-wan from doing to his nephew, what he did to his step-brother.

What is Obi-Wan personality?

One of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a great example of the ISFJ personality type.

Who was Obi-Wan in love with?

Satine Kryze
Satine Kryze was the love interest of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Duchess Satine Kryze was the pacifistic leader of the New Mandalorians and the planet Mandalore during the Clone Wars. She also had a sister Bo-Katan and a nephew Korkie Kryze.

Is Obi-Wan a hero?

Star Wars is known for its great heroes, and one of the best is Obi-Wan Kenobi. First introduced to audiences as the mentor to Luke Skywalker, he was certainly a hero, but later works would show him in all of his glory, battling evil during the Clone Wars and being an all-around wonderful character.

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Why does Obi-Wan smile before death?

At the time, it’s likely Obi-Wan smiled because he was about to become one with the Force, and he was fine with that after seeing Luke, their last hope, make his great escape. However, the completion of Lucas’ Star Wars story showed that there was more going on than initially thought.

Who killed Obi-Wan?

As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force. He left behind no body, just empty robes and his own Jedi weapon. Kenobi’s death strengthened Skywalker’s resolve to serve both the Rebellion and the Force.