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Is Oculus Rift end of life?

Is Oculus Rift end of life?

During September 2020, it was announced that the Rift S would be discontinued in 2021 in order for Oculus to focus on the Oculus Quest 2. In 2021, the Rift S was officially discontinued and was no longer available on the Oculus website, effectively ending the Rift line.

Can you still use Oculus Rift?

It took a little bit, but the Rift S is no longer available on the Oculus website, having vanished without a direct successor to a dedicated PC VR headset. Those duties have been handed off to the Quest 2, a standalone headset (the hardware is built in) that can also be tethered to a PC.

What Oculus works without computer?

Oculus Quest 2
The Oculus Quest 2 was designed to be played on its own, anywhere, and at any time. There’s no need to make a Quest 2 PC connection thanks to a powerful custom mobile processing chipset inside the Quest 2. That processor can recreate virtual worlds in a way that feels real to the person wearing the headset.

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Is the Oculus Rift S dead?

The time has come to bid farewell to the Oculus Rift S – it’s now officially off the shelves, having been discontinued earlier in the year.

Is C++ used for VR?

Virtual Reality (VR) – rapidly exploding in tech. Gaming is still the top application for VR devices. Several surveys have confirmed that if you want to work in the gaming industry, then the two top programming languages for VR applications are C# and C/C++.

Can I use Oculus Rift without PC?

In short, the answer to the questions is no — you cannot use an Oculus Rift without a PC.

Does Oculus Rift’s need a PC?

The Oculus Rift S is a tethered VR headset designed to work with a PC, offering the same functions as the original Rift while streamlining and improving several things. It features a per eye, 1,280-by-1,440 resolution with an 80Hz refresh rate, and uses your PC for processing.