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Is ODU computer science accredited?

Is ODU computer science accredited?

ODU’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Is ODU a good school?

As one of the most affordable public doctoral universities in Virginia, ODU offers a valuable and high-quality education. ODU is ranked a “Best National University” and “Best Online Bachelor’s Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.

How long are ODU online courses?

If you have already completed, roughly, the first two years (60 credits) of college course work, you can complete a bachelor’s degree by taking the upper division (300 and 400 level) courses through ODUOnline….Bachelor’s Online Programs.

Degree Completion Full Program
Special Education Yes Yes
Technology Education Yes

How much is ODU per credit hour?

Undergraduate Cost

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2020-2021 Tuition Rates for Online Undergraduate Courses Cost per Credit Hour
Virginia residents (with Virginia domicile) $360
Students living outside of Virginia or the U.S. $407
Virginia residents without Virginia domicile* $1,032

Does Old Dominion University have a PA program?

ODU’s Fall 2019 PA Program graduates achieved a 98\% PANCE pass rate for first-time exam takers, above the national average of 93\% for first-time takers.

What is ODU graduation rate?

53.8\% (For first-time, full-time in 2018–19)Old Dominion University / Graduation rate

Which city is ODU?

Norfolk, Virginia
Old Dominion University (ODU) is a public research university in Norfolk, Virginia. It was established in 1930 as the Norfolk Division of the College of William & Mary and is now one of the largest universities in Virginia with an enrollment of 24,176 students for the 2019 academic year.

Does university of Virginia have engineering?

UVA Engineering offers 11 undergraduate degrees: Aerospace Engineering. Biomedical Engineering. Chemical Engineering.

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Does ODU have associate degrees?

Associate’s Degrees – Old Dominion University.