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Is pea flower bisexual or unisexual?

Is pea flower bisexual or unisexual?

It is true that the flowers of garden pea are bisexual. However, Mendel made these flowers unisexual by artificail means. He emasculated (i.e., removed anthers before maturation) bisexual flowers to make then female fowers. Collected pollen grains from thses whcih were regarded functional male flowers.

Is Sweet Pea a bisexual flower?

Answer: Yes, flowers of pea plant are bisexual and self pollinating.

What are the examples of bisexual flowers?

Bisexual flowers: Lily, Rose, Sunflower, Tulip, Daffodil, Mustard, Brinjal, Hibiscus, Tomato, Long bean, Chille, Country bean, mango.

Is pea a Monoecious plant?

The pea plant is hermaphrodite or monoecious; the male and female sex organs are available on the same plant and therefore self-pollination is possible and as a product, seeds can be produced.

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Is Sweet Potato unisexual?

Dioecious plant – Plant bear only one type of unisexual flowers , either male or female . so such plants occur as male plant and female plant separate bodies. Sweet potato bear bisexual flowers .

Are onions bisexual?

onion is bisexual vegetable this is because both the male and female reproductive organs that helps in producing new one are present in one or same plant. Hence, onion is a bisexual plant or vegetable.

What type of flower is a sweet pea?

The sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus, is a flowering plant in the genus Lathyrus in the family Fabaceae (legumes), native to Sicily, southern Italy and the Aegean Islands….

Sweet pea
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Lathyrus
Species: L. odoratus

Is there a flower called sweet pea?

The sweet pea—Lathyrus odoratus—is an annual flower that is at home in a cutting garden, border garden, woodland, or twining on a trellis or an arch.

What are the examples of unisexual and bisexual flowers?

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Unisexual flowers :- A flower having either male or female reproductive system is known as Unisexual flowers. Example :- Coconut flowers, Papaya, Watermelon, Cucumber, Maize, White mulberry . Bisexual flowers :- A flower having both male and female reproductive systems are called Bi sexual flowers .

Are pea plants hermaphrodites?

Pea plants are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both male and female sex cells and usually fertilise themselves. Mendel was able to cross-breed the plants by transferring pollen with a paintbrush.

Is Sweet Potato monoecious or dioecious?


Plant group Dicotyledon Monocotyledon
Chromosome number 2n=90 (hexaploid) 2n=20
Flower character Monoecious Dioecious

Is cockroach unisexual?

Explanation: As in Cockroach, male and female reproductive system present in different individuals, hence it is unisexual.