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Is Physical Review Letters Open Access?

Is Physical Review Letters Open Access?

This arrangement means high-energy physics (HEP) articles accepted by Physical Review Letters (PRL), Physical Review C (PRC), and Physical Review D (PRD) will be published open access, under a CC-BY license, and funded by SCOAP3, with no article publication charges (APCs) for authors.

How do you write a Physical Review Letter?

It should describe the background and history of the problem or research goal addressed in the article. It should explain the importance of this research and of the results being reported, as well as any relevance they have to other areas of physics (“The work described here is motivated by…”).

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How long is PRL review?

Manuscript Revision Process

Journal Title Physical Review Letters
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to First Revision Report 37.6 Days
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance – Days
Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication – Days
Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication 204.98 Days

How good is physical review research?

According to the 2020 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2021), The Physical Review Journals continue to be the standard-bearer in publishing high quality, peer-reviewed physics research. The highest impact letters journal in physics.

What is the impact factor of Physical Review letters?

Physical Review Letters/Impact Factor

How much does it cost to publish in PRL?

The new article-processing charges, which will cover all costs and provide a sustainable funding model, have been set at $1700 for papers in the Physical Review and $2700 for those in Physical Review Letters.

How much does it cost to publish in Nature Communications?

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Scientific journal publication fees in US dollars

Journal Fee in USD Source, Retrieval date
PNAS 1700 estimate of average PNAS ’09
PNAS 2900 estimate of average PNAS ’09
Nature Communications 5700 [15] ’14; up >$2000 since ’09!
Cell Reports 5200 [16] ’19

How many words is a PRL?

3750 words
Manuscript length: Since 2011 Letters are no longer limited to four pages but rather to a maximum word count, currently 3750 words, not including abstract, authors list and affiliations, and references. Comments are limited to 750 words.

Is PRL double blind?

Double-Blind Peer Review in Physics. The impetus came in 1980 from the APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP), recalls Physical Review Letters (PRL) Editor Emeritus Stanley Brown. So the CSWP suggested that double-blind review should be the standard.

How long does it take to publish in PRL?

For manuscripts submitted to GRL, the median time to first and final decision is 23 and 27 days, respectively—a 35\% improvement since 2007—and the median time from submission to publication is 13 weeks for 90\% of GRL papers—a 25\% improvement since 2007.