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Is Poe a better pilot than Han?

Is Poe a better pilot than Han?

Poe is probably the best X-Wing pilot, but Anakin and Han have not flown X-Wings before, so you cant compare them like that. If you mean their overall ability to fly a craft, however, Poe would be the best.

Who is the best pilot in the resistance Star Wars?

The Resistance’s best pilot, Poe Dameron flew a modified X-Wing called “The Black One.” Apart from his obvious talent, Poe stood out with his unyielding bravery. Highly knowledgable about spaceship mechanics, he was fully able to fly anything and even adapt to crafts that he hadn’t flown before.

Is Han Solo a better pilot than Luke?

Luke is arguably a far more disciplined pilot, and he lets The Force guide him. Meanwhile, Han Solo takes more risks and (often intentionally) puts himself in situations in which he’s not sure if he will survive.

Is Han Solo a good pilot?

There’s no doubting that Han Solo has proven his proficiency as a pilot time and time again, securing himself a place as one of the best pilots in the galaxy. From escaping the Death Star to giving a fleet of Star Destroyers the slip, Solo has accomplished feats many pilots could only dream of living through.

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Was Han or Luke a better pilot?

Luke is probably much more by-the-book. Luke is arguably a far more disciplined pilot, and he lets The Force guide him. Meanwhile, Han Solo takes more risks and (often intentionally) puts himself in situations in which he’s not sure if he will survive.

Is Hera or Han Solo a better pilot?

Hera is the better pilot, says Patrick. In the world of Star Wars, no pilot has repeatedly proven their worth more times than Hera Syndulla, pilot of the Ghost, whose unwavering devotion to her team in the face of certain doom earns her the mantle of the best pilot in galaxy.

How good of a pilot was Luke Skywalker?

Luke Skywalker has shown that he is a capable pilot many times and some would even say he was the best pilot in the galaxy. There have been countless times throughout the films that Luke has proven he was the best pilot in all the galaxy.