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Is quote tweet the same as retweet?

Is quote tweet the same as retweet?

A quote tweet is a retweet with an added comment that allows you to add your own spin on the retweet while still giving the original post-exposure. It’s a great way to share other people’s content while supporting them and putting a little twist on it that’s all your own.

Why is it bad to quote retweet?

Don’t be afraid to retweet! It’s “retweet with comment”, aka quote retweeting is the issue – don’t do that. Retweet is sharing the original post, while “retweeting with comment” is LINKING the original post, but makes a whole new post!

Can you quote tweet a quote tweet?

The Quote Tweets feature can be used from the Twitter desktop website or through the mobile app for Android or iOS.

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How do quote tweets work?

Cross platform If you’re using Twitter from within a browser the quote feature will work with a simple click of the “Retweet” button. Unfortunately even with the latest Android update of Twitter we found the “Quote” button just pulls the entire tweet into quote marks ready to add or subtract copy before tweeting.

What is the benefit of retweeting?

It helps your followers. Tweeting and retweeting interesting and valuable content from social media influencers helps those who follow you. When you help your follows discover new knowledge and information, you become a valued information source and build trust.

Does a retweet count as a tweet?

A Retweet is a re-posting of a Tweet. Twitter’s Retweet feature helps you and others quickly share that Tweet with all of your followers. This isn’t an official Twitter command or feature, but signifies that they are quoting another person’s Tweet.

What does a quote tweet look like?

Find a tweet you want to quote tweet, then select the Retweet icon at the bottom of the tweet. The icon resembles a square made of two arrows. Select Quote Tweet.

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How do you quote tweet?

How to Quote Tweet From the Twitter App

  1. Launch the Twitter app, sign in to your account, then choose a tweet you’d like to quote tweet.
  2. Within this tweet, tap the Retweet icon.
  3. A menu pops up from the bottom of the phone screen—tap Quote Tweet.
  4. You’re taken to another screen.