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Is Red Dead Redemption 2 OK for a 17 year old?

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 OK for a 17 year old?

Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t quite as bold, and while sometimes brutal, isn’t anywhere near as shocking. But this is by no means a game for children. It is rated as M for mature, requiring that you’re 17+ to purchase the game.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 suitable for a 16 year old?

Probably not. It’s a nice game with a beautiful world, moral choices and great characters, with plenty of action, though a lot of people consider it slow. It has an adult rating for a reason, though. Graphic violence, bad language, adult themes.

Is Red Dead 2 OK for a 15 year old?

The latest Rockstar hit is an M-rated, violent tale of the Old West. It’s basically Grand Theft Auto set in the old west, which makes sense, as it’s from the same company, Rockstar Games. Like GTA, it’s also definitely not for kids. Plenty of violence, bad language, and criminal activity.

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Can you turn off blood in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Unfortunately there is not a way to turn off the “gore” of the game.

Is Red Dead Redemption inappropriate?

Parents need to know that Red Dead Redemption is a violent western game with very mature themes, and not suitable for kids or young teens. The action involves frequent gunfights that are both bloody and highly stylized. Players will also hunt and kill wild animals, then skin them with blood spattering the screen.

Why is rdr2 18+?

Content Rating Red Dead Redemption 2 is rated PEGI 18 because it features graphic violence, motiveless killing of innocent characters, violence against vulnerable and defenceless characters., use of strong language and encouragement of gambling.

Should I be bad in RDR2?

Generally speaking, having high Honor will get you the discounts and outfits to unlock, but being bad also pays a little if you’re fan of booze and smoking and Dead Eye shortcuts. So, if you’re planning on buying Red Dead Redemption 2’s best weapons at a knockdown price, be on your best behaviour.

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