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Is resistance and specific resistance same?

Is resistance and specific resistance same?

Resistance is related with a particular conductor. At a fixed temperature amount of resistance offered in the flow of current by a conductor having unit length and unit cross section is called its specific resistance. The unit of specific resistance is ohm-meter (Ω-m).

What is meant by resistance and specific resistance?

Resistance is the property of material to oppose the flow of electric current passing through it. Specific resistance is defined as the resistance offered by a unit length and unit cross-section of the substance to a current when a voltage is applied to it.

In which condition resistance and resistivity of material is equal?

ρ = R A / L, where R is the resistance in ohms, A is the area of cross-section in square meters and L is the length in meters. When the values of L, the length, and A, the area is equal to one, we can say that the resistivity is equal to the resistance.

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Is resistivity and specific resistivity the same?

The reciprocal of resistivity is defined as specific conductance which amounts to the ability to conduct electricity. The value of resistivity is very low for conductors and very high for insulators….The Specific Resistance of Various Materials.

Material Resistivity in Ohm meter unit
Air 109 – 1015

What are reciprocal of resistance and specific resistance give their units also?

Electrical conductance is defined as the reciprocal of resistance. It is a property of a material that quantifies how easily current can conduct through the material. The SI unit of conductance is siemens (S) or mho, which is the inverse of ohm, the SI unit of electrical resistance.

What do you mean by specific resistance?

Definition of ‘specific resistance’ 1. the electrical property of a material that determines the resistance of a piece of given dimensions. It is equal to RA/ l, where R is the resistance, A the cross-sectional area, and l the length, and is the reciprocal of conductivity. It is measured in ohms. Symbol: ρ.

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What is the meaning of specific resistance?

What happens when the resistivity of a substance increases?

Third Law of Resistivity If the resistivity of a material is high, the resistance offered by the substance made by this material is high and vice versa.

What is specific resistance and its unit?

Specific resistance or resistivity of a material is the resistance of a wire of that material of the unit length and unit area of cross-section. Its SI unit is ohm meter (Ω m).

What is reciprocal of specific resistivity?

Conductivity is the inverse (reciprocal) of resistivity.