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Is Rip correct?

Is Rip correct?

On headstones, RIP has been the usual form for centuries, given the limitations of stonecarving. It’s slightly more respectful in typing to use R.I.P. (e.g. here), but either way is perfectly acceptable.

What does the abbreviation RIP mean?

rest in peace
abbreviation. \ ˌär-ˌī-ˈpē \ Definition of RIP (Entry 5 of 5) 1 [Latin requiescat in pace] may he rest in peace, may she rest in peace. 2 [Latin requiescant in pace] may they rest in peace.

What does RIP stand for besides rest in peace?


Acronym Definition
RIP Requiescat In Pace (Latin: May He/She Rest in Peace)
RIP Rest in Peace
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RIP Research in Progress

Does Rip have a period at the end?

In today’s punctuation style, it is also acceptable to use no full stops at all (especially in BrE): RIP (in the same way that we write BBC, USA, UN, etc.)

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How do you write RIP correctly?

The phrase is commonly abbreviated to RIP (or R.I.P.) and is largely used in funeral services and on headstones. In this last usage, it would most commonly be capitalized for added emphasis, although sometimes the whole phrase is capitalized (REST IN PEACE).

Does RIP have a period at the end?

How do you respond when someone says Rip?

Responding to ‘I’m Sorry for Your Loss’ in Person

  1. “Thank you.”
  2. “Thank you for coming.”
  3. “I appreciate that.”
  4. “I was lucky to be able to share my life with him/her.”
  5. “Thank you.
  6. “Thank you for all your support during these difficult months.”
  7. “Thank you for reaching out to me.
  8. “Thank you.

Is there a comma after rip?

6. But do use a comma after “RIP” in “RIP (person’s name)” expressions. But one expression where we could all stand to use the comma of direct address is in this expression, which gets blasted over social media anytime someone famous leaves us.