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Is Saitama gonna fight God?

Is Saitama gonna fight God?

There is a character called God in the webcomic, but Saitama hasn’t fought him yet. Saitama did not beat God. He beat an EXTRADIMENSIONAL being (4D and up) in a FAN MANGA. If he one punches planetary beings, it’s irrelevant.

Can Saitama beat fused Zamasu?

No. Even I know that Saitama’s no match for either Beerus nor Fused Zamasu. In the OPM series and manga, while the creator of the show and manga does say he has the power of the Big Bang, I seen most characters in Dragonball withstanding universal destruction in their entire lives.

Who will win Zeno or Saitama?

If we go off of Implications of their powers, Zeno still wins but it would be a much closer fight, as Saitama’s strength is drawn from the implications of his power, as he has never gotten 100\% serious before. If plot armor is activated, Saitama would win.

What is Saitama’s real power?

Saitama’s only power is that his body is far beyond human limits, allowing him to achieve astounding physical feats.

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Who has Beerus beat in DBS?

In fact, we saw Beerus beat Goku in combat, something that few fighters can attest to. Let’s also not forget that one of the strongest fighters in DBS lore, Zamasu, was taken out by Beerus in one fell swoop. 7 Who Has Quitela Beaten?

Can Beerus beat Goku in combat?

Don’t let the feline appearance fool you: This is the same creature who took on both Vegeta and Goku in the same fight without breaking a sweat. In fact, we saw Beerus beat Goku in combat, something that few fighters can attest to.

How powerful is Quitela compared to Beerus?

Between Universes 4 and 7, their Gods are Beerus and Quitela. While Quitela’s run on Dragon Ball Super was short-lived, there was enough evidence to suggest that his power level was at the very least always on par with that of Beerus.

Is Dende the strongest Dragon Ball God?

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However, on a pure power level, Dende ranks near the bottom when it comes to Dragon Ball gods. Dende is a healer but he is not a fighter, supporting Goku and his friends when they go into battle. He also needed protection from Mr. Popo when his life was put in danger.