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Is Snape better in the books or movies?

Is Snape better in the books or movies?

The Snape in the books was aggressive, a side that was not shown in the films. The Snape from the films made it easier for the audience to forgive his actions as Harry did, while readers have had a much more difficult time doing so, as they witnessed a darker, more cruel version of him.

Why was James so mean to Snape?

James had a loving, wealthy family, friends and was popular due to being good at sport. His bullying of Snape was like another sport or form of entertainment for him. Probably because he felt superior to Snape. James had every reason NOT to become a bully but chose to continually bully an underprivileged person anyway.

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How old is Severus Snape in the first book?

Since the books take place in the 1990s, that would put him squarely in his 30s. He was 31 when he first met Harry, 38 when he died.

What does book Snape look like?

Snape is described as a thin man with sallow skin, a large, hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth. He has shoulder-length, greasy black hair which frames his face, and cold, black eyes. He wears black, flowing robes which give him the appearance of “an overgrown bat”.

Is the Marauders a real movie?

A fan film based in the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. Focuses on the four marauders; James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

What did the Marauders in Harry Potter do to Snape?

While the pranks and things that the Marauders in Harry Potter did to Snape were often kind of cruel or out of line, there was often a back and forth in these actions. However, there is one “prank” that happened that wasn’t funny or harmless at all.

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Do any of the Marauders regret saving Snape?

None of the Marauders even seemed to regret this joke, and James only “saved” Snape because he was worried he’d get caught. When Lily was breaking off her friendship with Snape, she confessed she had no idea why she ever considered him a friend in the first place, as Snape’s gang comprised of notoriously dark wizards.

Are the Marauders the villains in Harry Potter?

A contested debate among Harry Potter fans is whether James Potter — and by extension the Marauders — were the villains during their time at school or whether it was Severus Snape. While Snape was the victim in the early days, the Marauders were the ones who went on to join the Order of the Phoenix.

What are some of the most shameless things that the Marauders do?

While some of the most shameless things that the Marauders do happen while they’re at Hogwarts, they also do some pretty shameless things as individuals once they’re adults. While Lupin often is more grounded and worried about doing the right thing, he has a really shameless moment when he tries to join up with Harry to help him.