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Is sneaking food into the movies OK?

Is sneaking food into the movies OK?

Many movie theater chains, like AMC and Regal Cinemas, have rules against bringing in outside food. But the rules don’t stop some people. Most moviegoers who sneak snacks into theaters want to avoid paying the high prices at concession stands. So sneaking in your own snacks hurts the theater’s business.

Why is popcorn more expensive at the movies?

So for the times they’re in the theater seeing good or popular movies, they’re actually getting more quality than they would have needed to show up. That means that, essentially, you could have charged them a higher price for the ticket.”

Can you take your own food into Vue?

And Vue agreed: “You sure are! You’re welcome to bring your own cold food and non-alcoholic drinks into any of our venues.

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Can movie theaters kick you out for bringing food?

Legally, no. Technically you are not breaking the law, and you are not required to eat food during a movie. . The theater however, is private property and it would be within their rights as a private establishment.

How do you sneak food into movies?

The Best Way to Sneak Food into the Movie Theatre

  1. Bring items already sold at the theatre. PIN IT. Photo Courtesy of Jeff Adair on Flickr.
  2. Empty out snacks into Ziplock bags. PIN IT. Photo Courtesy of Paige Twombly.
  3. Don’t bring anything too smelly. PIN IT.
  4. Use your clothing. PIN IT.
  5. Bring a really big bag with you. PIN IT.

Is it OK to sneak food into the movies argumentative essay?

Sneaking food into the movies is not ok because it causes movie prices to become inflated, it is against the rules, and it simply rude.

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AMC Concession Prices

Food Cost
Milkshakes $5.89 – $6.19
ICEE (medium) $5.59 – $5.79
ICEE (large) $5.09 – $6.29
Bottled Drink $3.99 – $4.89

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We host Bring Your Baby sessions for infants up to 24 months and their carers on Thursday at 11am at certain venues myvue.com/offers/bring-y…