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Is tattoo allowed in Indian judiciary?

Is tattoo allowed in Indian judiciary?

The counsel for the IAF clarified that only a permanent body tattoo on the inner face of fore arms (inside of elbow to the wrist), the back (dorsal) part of the hand /reverse side of palm and in the case of tribals with tattoos, which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes, were permitted.

Can judges get tattoos?

It’s clear that lawyers can only have tattoos that can be covered up by professional attire. Tattoos are seen as harmless but having one visible in court can cause you to lose the case depending on the views of the judge and jury. Client meetings are also a place where a lawyer should have their tattoos covered.

Can government doctors have tattoos in India?

No there are no particular rules in medical colleges about having a tattoo.

Is tattoo banned for civil services?

Wearing a tattoo doesn’t restrict you to appear for UPSC civil services. IAS aspirants and civil service aspirants can definitely have a tattoo on their body parts except for the face, finger, forearm, and other parts, which are generally visible.

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What types of issues are handled by the Court of India describe work of judiciary in brief?

Explanation: The role of the courts is to decide cases by determining the relevant facts and the relevant law, and applying the relevant facts to the relevant law. The Indian Judiciary administers a common law system in which customs, securities and legislation, all codify the law of the land.

Can I give neet if I have a tattoo?

Is tattoo allowed in NEET examination? Ans: No, tattoos are not allowed.

Can govt jobs have tattoos?

You having a tattoo will have no issue whatsoever, if you are applying for a job like cleck or Probationary Officer (P.O.) in Banks, SSC, Engineering Services, Railways, PWD department etc. But it is prohibited in many other Indian government jobs. Indian Defence Services – Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard etc.