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Is the world ruled by corporations?

Is the world ruled by corporations?

When Corporations Rule the World is an anti-globalization book by David Korten. Korten examines the evolution of corporations in the United States and argues that “corporate libertarians” have “twisted” the ideas of Adam Smith’s view of the role of private companies….When Corporations Rule the World.

Author David Korten
LC Class HD2326 .K647 1995

What are the 10 types of government?

10 Common Forms of Government

  • Democracy.
  • Communism.
  • Socialism.
  • Oligarchy.
  • Aristocracy.
  • Monarchy.
  • Theocracy.
  • Colonialism.

What is it called when a family runs a country?

A family dictatorship, or hereditary dictatorship, in political science terms a personalistic regime, is a form of dictatorship that occurs in a nominally or formally republican or socialist regime, but operates in practice like an absolute monarchy or despotate, in that political power passes within the dictator’s …

What is the leader of a nation called?

The authority of a head of government, such as a president, chancellor, or prime minister and the relationship between that position and other state institutions, such as the relation between the head of state and of the legislature, varies greatly among sovereign states, depending largely on the particular system of …

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Is Australia a corporation?

The Commonwealth of Australia is a Form 18-K United States SEC registered entity representing the nation of Australia for the purpose of issuing securities in the US market….Commonwealth of Australia (US Corporation)

Type Form 18-K registered entity
Industry Debt securities
Founded 2002 in Washington, D.C., United States
Founder Australian Government