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Is there a car that can go 700 miles per hour?

Is there a car that can go 700 miles per hour?

The Bloodhound is one of just six vehicles to have scooted past 600 mph; the appropriately named Sonic 1, Blue Flame, Thrust2, Budweiser Rocket, Sonic Arrow, and Thrust SSC have all been there as well. Two cars, the Budweiser Rocket and the Thrust SSC, have been able to surpass 700 mph.

Can any car go 800 mph?

“I treat Bloodhound as a very low-flying airplane,” says Ron Ayers, the chief aerodynamicist for the Bloodhound Land Speed Record project—a Mach-busting car designed to exceed 800 mph. Bloodhound is propelled by the same jet engine used in the Typhoon—a 20,000-pound-thrust Eurojet EJ200.

How fast can the ThrustSSC go?

763 mph
ThrustSSC is a British-designed and built World Land Speed Record car. ThrustSSC holds the current World Land Speed Record which was set on October 15, 1997, by accomplishing a speed of 763 mph. By doing so, the supersonic car became the first land vehicle to officially break the sound barrier.

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Has any car reached 500 mph?

The Bloodhound supersonic car has reached a speed of over 500 miles per hour (mph)! It’s managed 501 mph to be precise in high-speed trials in South Africa. The Thrust car broke the sound barrier in the process – the first, and only, car to have done that.

What is the Bloodhound car?

Bloodhound LSR, formerly Bloodhound SSC, is a British land vehicle designed to travel at supersonic speeds with the intention of setting a new world land speed record. The arrow-shaped car, under development since 2008, is powered by a jet engine and will be fitted with an additional rocket engine.

What is a jet engine car?

A jet car is a car propelled by a jet engine. A jet dragster is a jet powered car used for drag racing. They are most commonly seen at race shows.

Is Thrust SSC faster than Bloodhound SSC?

The result is that Bloodhound has been designed from scratch to travel faster than sound, and even to reach a top speed of Mach 1.3 — 1,000 mph (1609 km/h), about 237 mph (381 km/h) faster than Thrust SSC’s record.

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WHAT CAN GO 1000 mph?

A new vehicle from the Bloodhound Project, called the SuperSonic Car (SSC), is built to surpass speeds of 1,000 miles per hour, according to CNN. In 2016, the makers plan to break the land-speed record in South Africa.