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Is there intergalactic travel in Star Trek?

Is there intergalactic travel in Star Trek?

The reason there’s no intergalactic travel in Star Trek is because of the Galactic Barrier. First seen in the the original series episode, “Where No Man Has Gone Before”, “the galactic barrier is an energy field composed of negative energy surrounding the rim of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Is galactic travel possible?

The technology required to travel between galaxies is far beyond humanity’s present capabilities, and currently only the subject of speculation, hypothesis, and science fiction. However, theoretically speaking, there is nothing to conclusively indicate that intergalactic travel is impossible.

Does Star Trek go beyond the Milky Way?

A reminder about the vastness of space: the bulk of Star Trek’s adventures don’t even leave our galaxy. It is theorized that the area between galaxies, knows as Voids, is made of highly ionized hydrogen at a temperature known as WHIM – which stands for Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium.

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How far did they travel in Star Trek?

Trivia (50) After the first jump, LaForge says that the Enterprise has traveled a distance of 2.7 million light years, ending up on the far side of the Triangulum galaxy, a.k.a. M-33. The distance to M-33 was very uncertain at the time this episode was made, with estimates varying between 2 and 3 million light years.

How empty is intergalactic space?

As wikipedia states: Generally free of dust and debris, intergalactic space is very close to a total vacuum. The space between galaxy clusters, called the voids, is probably nearly empty. Some theories put the average density of the Universe as the equivalent of one hydrogen atom per cubic meter.

Where is intergalactic space?

The space between stars is known as interstellar space, and so the space between galaxies is called intergalactic space. These are the vast empty spaces that sit between galaxies.

Does Star Trek cross galaxies?

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Even a large number of visible stars in the outer parts of the galactic disc are situated inside the barrier in the Star Trek: Star Charts cross-sectional view of the galaxy. The energy field of the barrier joins up with the Great Barrier at the center of the galaxy.