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Is Toxin the strongest symbiote?

Is Toxin the strongest symbiote?

The son of Carnage, Toxin, was believed to be the most powerful symbiote ever created. The raw power of Toxin was so great that he was feared even by the King in Black, Knull, creator and leader of the symbiotes. More recently, Toxin also developed a venomous bite.

Who is stronger Toxin or knull?

Knull is stronger than Toxin because he is essentially his creator. Toxin is another symbiote like Venom, Carnage, Scream, and others. However, he’s not just a regular symbiote. While he gave them some of his powers, his abilities exceed any symbiote alone, including Toxin.

Is Toxin stronger than Venom and Carnage?

Toxin proved to be so much more powerful than both Carnage and Venom that the two wanted to take him out together, but Spidey, who saw the good beneath the power, helped Mulligan use his symbiote to fight more nefarious versions of his own kind.

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How strong is Toxin?

Toxin is superhumanly strong and can lift within 44 – 80 ton range. However, this is not his true limit, as his strength increases with his size and variable muscle mass. His strength is stated to be greater than Carnage and Venom combined; thus enabling him to lift over 44 tons in a calm state.

Can Toxin beat Carnage?

4 Toxin – Defeated He hated the idea of bringing a new life into this world, partly fearing that Toxin may become more powerful and kill Carnage. Although Toxin was more powerful than Carnage, he was nevertheless able to defeat his young offspring. This is most likely due to Carnage’s murderous experience.

Is Toxin good or bad marvel?

While not nearly as bad as his villainous father Carnage, Toxin is certainly proving he’s quite darker than Venom, despite Bren’s efforts to motivate him to be more heroic during Knull’s invasion. Here’s the preview pages for the new Toxin story from Marvel Comics.

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Is Toxin symbiote bad?

While not nearly as bad as his villainous father Carnage, Toxin is certainly proving he’s quite darker than Venom, despite Bren’s efforts to motivate him to be more heroic during Knull’s invasion.