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Is Turkish easy or hard?

Is Turkish easy or hard?

Turkish isn’t hard to learn. That’s partly because there’s no such thing as a “hard language”. Every language becomes accessible with the right learning methods. But, Turkish is especially easy compared to other languages.

How similar is Turkish to French?

While most loanwords do have a “true Turkish” equivalent, the French versions are still very widely used today, and given the huge amount of overlap between French and English, this means that even people who don’t know much French can still enjoy finding many of these little gems embedded throughout the Turkish …

Why is the Turkish language so hard to learn?

Turkish also features a concept English speakers may find confusing: vowel harmony, where vowels are changed or endings with vowels are added to make a word flow more smoothly. A large number of unfamiliar vocabulary words, of Arabic origin, add to the difficulty of what we’d consider to be one of the hardest languages to learn.

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Are some languages harder to learn than others?

Yes, Some Languages are Harder. From my own experience, learning Category 1 languages has been by far a lot easier than learning Category 4 ones. For example, in order to both learn Spanish and Korean up to a B2 level (high-intermediate), I have approximately put 3x the amount of effort and time with Korean than with Spanish.

Is Danish the hardest language to learn?

Yes, we have crowned Danish as the least hard of the hardest languages. If you read our article on the easiest languages to learn, you may remember that the Germanic languages from Scandinavia largely dominated that list. In fact, Norwegian and Swedish took the top two spots.

How difficult is it to learn Arabic for English speakers?

Its 28 script letters are easier for English speakers to comprehend than the thousands of Chinese characters, but it’s still an adjustment to become familiar with a new writing system. The thing that makes reading and writing in Arabic particularly challenging for beginners is the exclusion of most vowels in words. Ths mks rdng th lngg vry dffclt.