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Is urea a fertilizer or manure?

Is urea a fertilizer or manure?

Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertiliser in the country because of its high N content (46\%N). Besides its use in the crops, it is used as a cattle feed supplement to replace a part of protein requirements. It has also numerous industrial uses notably for production of plastics.

What is urea fertiliser good for?

Urea (46\% N) is the most concentrated solid nitrogen fertiliser and the most commonly used. As a non-protein nitrogen supplement for ruminants (cattle and sheep) urea allows grazing animals to make better use of low protein roughage (dry grass) during the dry season and with the onset of drought.

What are the different between manure and fertilizer?

Manure is an organic substance that is obtained from decomposition of vegetables and animal waste. Fertilizers are inorganic substances manufactured in factories. Manures are relatively less rich in plant nutrients, they only remove general deficiency of soil.

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Is urea a manure?

Manure Nitrogen Credits and Availability Manure contains unstable (inorganic) and stable (organic) forms of nitrogen. The inorganic N is initially present in urine and as urea in animal manure. It may account for up to 50\% (70\% in poultry) of the total N.

What is urea fertilizer for plants?

Urea fertilizer is a stable, organic fertilizer that can improve the quality of your soil, provide nitrogen to your plants, and increase the yield of your crops. You can usually get it in dry, granular form. There are several benefits to using urea as a fertilizer, but urea is not without its disadvantages.

Why is manure better than fertilizer?

Manures are considered better than fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility because: i) They add nutrients to the soil without affecting its fertility. iii) Manures improve the structure of soil by increasing its water holding capacity, porosity, and texture. They also promote the growth of crops.

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What are disadvantages of manure?

1- It provides less nutrient to plants in comparison to fertilizers. 2- It doesn’t provide high yield as much as fertlizers. Manure is a natural or an organic substance obtained by the decomposition of plant and animal wastes. This is done by microbes, earthworms, fungus etc.