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Is wide grip deadlift better?

Is wide grip deadlift better?

The snatch grip deadlift works a lot of the same muscles as the traditional deadlift, but because of the positioning of the wide grip, it works more of the upper back than the lower back. You may prefer the position of a snatch grip if you have lower back pain or if you’re looking to strengthen your upper back.

Is it easier to deadlift with a wide stance?

The best deadlift stance is going to be either shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. What you want to avoid at all costs is having a deadlift stance that is wider than shoulder-width apart as it will make the lift harder for all types of lifters.

What grip is best for deadlift?

It’s generally recommended that you use an overhand grip when doing push-pull exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, in order to get the most benefit and avoid muscle imbalances.

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How wide should my grip be for deadlift?

The grip width should be adjusted so that the arms (and thumbs) are just outside the knees. A wider grip would make the exercise more difficult as you would have to pull the bar a longer distance. Most Olympic barbells have a set of markings about 8 ¼ inches from the center of the bar.

Why do snatch deadlifts?

Snatch grip deadlifts are an advanced deadlift movement that can help to increase general back and grip strength, increase muscle hypertrophy of the back muscles, and help lifters reinforce proper back rigidity in the deadlift.

Why are snatch grip deadlifts so hard?

Compared to the conventional deadlift’s lockout, the snatch grip deadlift’s end position has the barbell much higher up on the thighs. This two-fold increase to the range of motion makes the snatch grip deadlift more difficult than the conventional deadlift.

Why do people do wide stance deadlifts?

As the name implies, the sumo deadlift forces lifters to assume a wide stance bringing them closer to the ground and allowing them to keep their torso up taller. Lifters may feel more comfortable being upright. Aside from flexibility, torso and limb length can have a huge impact.

Why are deadlifts narrow?

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Greater range of motion: the narrow stance requires the bar to travel a further distance from the floor to lockout. Harder lockout: similar to the previous point, the longer range of motion and potential for back-rounding makes it harder to lock out a conventional deadlift.

How wide should legs be for deadlift?

The ideal deadlift stance for a conventional (i.e. not sumo) deadlift is for the feet to be around hip-width apart, and the feet slightly turned out. Another way to find the ideal stance is to do a couple of vertical jumps as high as you can; where your feet land is where your stance should be for deadlifting.

Is wide grip deadlift harder?

The snatch grip deadlift is basically a harder version of the conventional deadlift. First, the wider grip forces you to get lower in order to grab onto the barbell. This two-fold increase to the range of motion makes the snatch grip deadlift more difficult than the conventional deadlift.

Is Snatch Deadlift harder?

What is the difference between the snatch grip deadlift and straight bar deadlift?

The snatch grip deadlift is a variation of the straight bar conventional deadlift. The primary difference between the two is the wider grip used for the snatch grip deadlift. When a significantly wider hand position is taken on the barbell, there are added challenges to the upper back musculature.

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How wide should your grip width be on deadlifts?

Here are three general cues for you to follow when it comes to setting up your grip width on deadlifts: 1. Your hands should be placed one thumb-length from your shin. If you stick your thumb out on the bar, you should just be touching your shin.

Why is the deadlift stance so different from a conventional deadlift?

His deadlift stance is far too wide for a conventional deadlift. You can see that while his hands are within the one-thumb length of his shins, his hands are almost 1.5X the distance of his shoulders. As a result, when he grips the bar outside his shins, his arms are being pushed out by his legs as he drives the weight off the floor.

What are the best deadlift variations?

The snatch grip deadlift is one of the most versatile deadlift variations. It requires a much wider grip than regular deadlifts; this targets more of the upper back muscles and helps build grip strength. The snatch grip deadlift also forces the lifter to move the barbell a greater distance.