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Is Wix going to Killing Web development?

Is Wix going to Killing Web development?

Short answer: nope. Why won’t Wix just kill web design? Simple answer: Wix doesn’t do it all, and frankly, professional web designers should just embrace Wix as an optional tool. Yes, some small business will opt for Wix (or some other web builder,) but many will realize sooner or later, that it does have its’ limits.

Do Web developers use SquareSpace?

There are actually quite a few so called “Web Designers” that use SquareSpace to build client’s websites. The only difference is that you can tell when someone has done it themselves. The site looks like a template.

Why do we need web developers with Wix?

#Things Wix Is Not As Good At Consider “products” like YouTube, Facebook, Udemy or web apps like Google Docs. You won’t be able to build this with Wix, Squarespace etc. You need a web developer for this. Because here, the website is not just a site to share some information with your visitors.

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Why choose Wix for your website design?

Wix makes it easy to jump right in, throw collectively an internet page and post it. before you do, you want to stop and assume, and work out what your enterprise desires for your online presence. 2. Wix Websites Use Flash Technology

Why do so many people hate Wix?

A lot of Wix websites are built on Flash technology (they’re trying to push HTML5 now so they do have that capability now), which is the enemy of web prosperity. Flash is so frowned upon that many phones don’t even display it, and some tablets don’t either.

Why is Wix so bad for SEO?

Google is not a fan of Wix. Part of it is because of that Flash it uses. Your website will not rank well, which makes it harder for people to find. This will affect how much traffic you can potentially get because your site will not be search engine optimized.

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What happens when your business outgrew Wix?

When your business outgrew Wix, you got nowhere to go When you develop your website using Wix you have no place to go – they host your website and you can’t go elsewhere. You cannot migrate your WIX data elsewhere easily.