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Is wonderous correct?

Is wonderous correct?

A: Seriously though, you might be pleased to know that “wonderous” WAS a real word for a few centuries. But “wondrous” won out and remains today.

What is the difference between wonderful and wondrous?

As adjectives the difference between wondrous and wonderful is that wondrous is amazing, inspiring awe, “to be marvelled at” while wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary.

What is the synonym for wondrous?

In this page you can discover 42 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wondrous, like: miraculous, extraordinary, unusual, wonderful, astounding, marvellous, awe-full, phenomenal, marvelous, glorious and sublimity.

What type of word is wondrous?

Amazing, inspiring awe, “to be marvelled at”.

Is Wonderer a word?

for a wonder As a cause for surprise; surprisingly.

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What’s the meaning of the word Wednesday?

In fact, the name Wednesday actually derives from two mighty but distinct gods. The Old English word for Wednesday indicates that the day was named for the Germanic god Woden. In Romance languages, the name is derived from the Roman god Mercury. (For example, Wednesday is mercredi in French and miercuri in Romanian.)

How do you use wondrous in a sentence?

Wondrous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Earning a trip to state, my choir was reported to have the most wondrous performance.
  2. Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics was a wondrous event.
  3. Because she loved marine life, the woman enjoyed the wondrous whale watching adventure.

What’s the difference between beautiful and wonderful?

As adjectives the difference between wonderful and beautiful is that wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary while beautiful is attractive and possessing charm.

What is wondrous antonym?

Opposite of inspiring awe or wonder. boring. expected. mediocre. normal.

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What does wondrous mean in the Bible?

wonderful; astonishing; admirable; marvelous; such as excite surprise and astonishment; strange.

What is sentence of wondrous?

1. Our new improved face cream has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin. 2. It was a wondrous thing to see the sea for the first time.

What do wondrous means?

English Language Learners Definition of wondrous : causing wonder or amazement : very beautiful or impressive. See the full definition for wondrous in the English Language Learners Dictionary. wondrous. adjective. won·​drous | \ ˈwən-drəs \