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Should a person with tuberculosis be isolated?

Should a person with tuberculosis be isolated?

Persons who have or are suspected of having infectious TB disease should be placed in an area away from other patients, preferably in an airborne infection isolation (AII) room.

How do you clean a TB room?

Environmental cleaning Sterilization or the use of disinfecting chemicals in a TB patient’s room is not necessary. Ordinary cleaning of rooms and objects (linens, dishes, etc.) used by TB patients is sufficient. After the patient is discharged, air the empty room well according to the calculated ACH.

What if a family member tests positive for TB?

If you think you have been exposed to someone with TB disease, you should contact your doctor or local health department about getting a TB skin test or a special TB blood test. Be sure to tell the doctor or nurse when you spent time with the person who has TB disease.

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Is it safe to be around someone with tuberculosis?

No. It is very important to remember that only someone with active TB disease in the lungs can spread the germ. People with TB infection are not contagious, do not have any symptoms, and do not put their family, friends and co-workers at risk.

Should you wear a mask if you have TB?

Patients with suspected or confirmed active TB Disease should always wear a surgical mask (not a respirator/N-95 mask) while outside of designated isolation rooms. This includes waiting rooms, treatment rooms, and during transport or ambulation.

Can I live with someone who has tuberculosis?

Should family members be tested for TB?

People with TB disease are most likely to spread the germs to people they spend time with every day, such as family members or coworkers. If you have been around someone who has TB disease, you should go to your doctor or your local health department for tests.

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How can you help someone with tuberculosis?

If you have an active TB disease you will probably be treated with a combination of antibacterial medications for a period of six to 12 months. The most common treatment for active TB is isoniazid INH in combination with three other drugs—rifampin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol.