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Should homemade apple pie be refrigerated?

Should homemade apple pie be refrigerated?

An Apple pie does not need to be refrigerated if it is whole and kept covered. BUT, once an apple pie is opened, cut or sliced it SHOULD be placed into the refrigerator for both safe keeping and to extend its shelf life.

Should you refrigerate apple pie after baking?

You should refrigerate apple pie after you first cut into it, or within two days of baking if it sits untouched. Once you place it in the fridge, it can sit there for another 3 to 4 days for a total of about 5 days.

Can apple pie be left out of the fridge?

Apple pies and other homemade fruit pies can be safely stored at room temperature overnight. These pies can be kept unrefrigerated for up to two days before needing to be moved to a cooler temperature. When storing your pie, ensure that it’s covered in plastic wrap or a covered container.

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What type of pies must be refrigerated?

Be sure to refrigerate cream, custard, pumpkin, mousse, chiffon, or any other pies containing eggs or dairy as soon as they’ve cooled. They’ll keep for up to 2 days. (This includes savory pies like quiche.) Fruit pies can stand at room temperature for 2 days.

How do you store an apple pie after baking?

How to Store Baked Apple Pie: You can keep baked apple pies at room temperature for up to two days. If the pie has been sliced, cover loosely with foil or plastic wrap. Apple pie will keep for an additional 2-3 days in the refrigerator, loosely covered with foil or plastic wrap.

Is apple pie better the next day?

Our Test Kitchen doesn’t recommend assembling an apple pie before baking it at a later time. If made ahead without baking, the pastry may become too wet and be soggy after baking. Bake the pie completely, then chill it overnight. Let the pie stand at room temperature before serving.

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Is it okay to leave apple pie out overnight?

Is apple pie OK left out overnight? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, fruit pies made with sugar can be stored at room temperature for up to two days. Keep it from drying out by stashing it in a pie carrier like this one ($22), or loosely wrap the pie with plastic or foil.

How long can an apple pie sit out after baking?

two days
You can keep baked apple pies at room temperature for up to two days. If the pie has been sliced, cover loosely with foil or plastic wrap. Apple pie will keep for an additional 2-3 days in the refrigerator, loosely covered with foil or plastic wrap.

Should fruit pie be refrigerated?

THE TAKEAWAY: Refrigerate leftover pie containing eggs or dairy right away. Fruit pies can be stored either at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to two days (covering them with an overturned bowl is a handy way to keep them protected).